Monday, July 09, 2007

yeessssahhhhh!!!!! PSK IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! berakhirlah segala beban yang dipikul selama 2 bulan.. lepas ivp, terus psk.. dari class B, kene naik class C dlm masa seminggu.. makan sampai muntah2/berak2.. togok air sampai perut kembong.. (tu pun weight pun masih tak cukop!).. kaki kanan dari lebam terus bengkak macam ikan buntal.. lawan opponent sumer tinggi2, kaki panjang2 dan berat2 nak mampus.. hahah.. but the whole experience was worth it lah.. =) kk bout my finals with farah.. jeng jeng jeng..

i LOST. duhh!! farah kaki jantan.. hahah.. she's damn good.. ever since she defeated someone in PSP, she became one of the few people that i look up to.. so when i had the chance to fight her, it was indeed an honour.. cheh! mcm paham jek eh.. hahah.. to farah, all the best for SIJORI aite sis.. till we meet again. =)

the number 2.. my lucky number. hahah..

seligi tunggal angkatan's dewasa girls.. i love them..

me and bros.. muka buruk seh.. hahah..

went to PS with love yesterday to catch Transformers.. one word to describe that movie: AWESOME. the effects ad everything.. fuhyoo power! terkenang balik zaman transformers kiter dulu.. hahah.. jauh berbeza seh.. technology changes everything. errm k whatever. we had our dinner at pizza hut after that.. then went shopping.. bought matching shirts and jeans for our big day next week.. oh i can't wait!! heheh..