i LOST. duhh!! farah kaki jantan.. hahah.. she's damn good.. ever since she defeated someone in PSP, she became one of the few people that i look up to.. so when i had the chance to fight her, it was indeed an honour.. cheh! mcm paham jek eh.. hahah.. to farah, all the best for SIJORI aite sis.. till we meet again. =)

the number 2.. my lucky number. hahah..
seligi tunggal angkatan's dewasa girls.. i love them..
me and bros.. muka buruk seh.. hahah..
went to PS with love yesterday to catch Transformers.. one word to describe that movie: AWESOME. the effects ad everything.. fuhyoo power! terkenang balik zaman transformers kiter dulu.. hahah.. jauh berbeza seh.. technology changes everything. errm k whatever. we had our dinner at pizza hut after that.. then went shopping.. bought matching shirts and jeans for our big day next week.. oh i can't wait!! heheh..