ok firstly about the Atma competition.. on the first day of the comp, i had a flu.. but thank god i did not have to fight that day.. so i pretty much rest the whole day.. pop in some panadol extra and drank lotsa water.. but the flu got progressively worse on the second and third day.. in the end, i was down with a blocked nose and fever on the day of my match.. my head was like SUPER heavy and i felt so weak.. (i think it was possibly due to the disgusting YELLOWish-chlorine-smelling water at the asrama.. YUCKS!!) so yah anyway, senang kata, i was very SICK lah.
coach asked if i wanna backout from the comp.. BACK OUT!?? i came all the way from s'pore to KL, endured the freakingly cold shower and disgusting bugs at the asrama, only to back out from the comp cos of my fever?? oh NO WAY man.. besides, i need to set an example for the juniors and i do not want to let the team down.. sakit memang sakit, tapi fight mesti FIGHT. haha.. semangat betul aku ni.. so i fought and made it tru the quarterfinals.. BUT i lost in the semis.. 3-2.. it was a close match lah.. haiz.. and i KNOW i could have performed better.. the heartache i was feeling was a million times worst that the physical injuries that i had sustained.. i was so disappointed at myself that i cried in the shower.. haiz. ok ok yea i know.. it's not the end of the world.. so now i'm gonna train hard for the upcoming PSP competition in january.. a chance to redeem myself.. haha.. =P oh yah.. since i made it tru the quaterfinals, i managed to take home the Bronze medal.. 3rd placing overall.. Alhamdulillah..

Congrats to Shafiqah for winning the Bronze medal too! To those yg tewas, it's ok.. you've given your best.. that's all that matters. Ingatlah bahawasanya, kekalahan itu adalah kemenangan yang tertunda. (chey bah! berfalsafah seh..)

NUS Team..

the 9 fighters..

me and kak wahida.. (ye ye je..)
i'll upload more pixies here if i have the time aite.. till then, adios!