--- Sebelum gi silat ---

alamak blur..

boleh lah..

close up.. ah patni dah start shiok sendiri..

ok adik-adik aku pulak.. dah hensem lah tu!! sape tah nak tengok..
--- Pixies from the ATMA games in KL ---

warm-up.. stretch betul2..

wah muka manyak masam!! tgh fever dok.. so faham2 jelah..

selapas warm-up, sumer senyum.. (i'm in the middle, facing left)

the asrama..

getting ready to fight.. focus focus..

meditate seh.. macam shaolin showdown.. (can u see me??)

taken after my match, on the way to petaling street.. i'm super shagged ah..

ok dah sampai.. punye ramai org.. mabok!

the 2 mamats who have to accompany the NUS team everywhere.. what the heck is my coach looking at eh?

first time nampak petronas.. terpegun skejap..
oklah that's all for now.. will upload more pixies if i have the time.. till then, bubbye people..