Jika derita ini ilusi sebuah bahagia, redhakanlah setiap inci pemberianMu Tuhan, walau apa pun bentuknya.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Kenapa ya, kita sering melepaskan marah, geram atau stress dengan menyalurkannya kepada orang terdekat yang amat kita sayangi? Dan selalunya ia berlaku tanpa kita sedari. Mungkin jarak di antara kita dan dia hampir tiada, kerana selalunya batasan itu lupus dek 'kerna sayang aku telan apa saja', perkara ini boleh berlaku bila-bila masa dengan senang tanpa disangka. Tapi, bila sudah terlepas dan kita sedar, pasti semuanya sudah terlambat untuk berlalu pulang. Ke tempat asalnya.
~ Mungkin apa yang kita perlukan adalah masa, untuk lebih memahami apa jua perkara di antara kita. ~
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
heyya! im baaaack. and im so worn-out. =P
training camp RAWKZ.. the 7km run from NUS to Bukit Batok was the most strenuous event of the 3 days.. i've never ran THAT far before in my life! sedangkan 2.4km je dah boleh terkenchit, apetah lagi 7km! hahah.. cramp satu badan beb. =S
playing Charades with the team was hilariously comical! especially when Sayed did the mortal combat thingy and Aidil's Mmm'bop.. haha.. pecah2 perut seh.. oh yah, not forgetting CINTA MONYET with Hudee! hahhah.. korang2 yang tak faham tu, tak payah fahamkan lah.. saya malas nak elaborate.
anyway, i really had a GREAT time.. tiring, but it's definitely worth every single drop of sweat that comes out of my pores. Kudos to Halimah and Zul (and the other camp commitee) for a job well done!
to the team, let us persevere on and train hard aite! "The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." - Joe Paterno
and to my ikan stongkol("Stone-Cold"): thanks for fetching me home sweetheart..

training camp RAWKZ.. the 7km run from NUS to Bukit Batok was the most strenuous event of the 3 days.. i've never ran THAT far before in my life! sedangkan 2.4km je dah boleh terkenchit, apetah lagi 7km! hahah.. cramp satu badan beb. =S
playing Charades with the team was hilariously comical! especially when Sayed did the mortal combat thingy and Aidil's Mmm'bop.. haha.. pecah2 perut seh.. oh yah, not forgetting CINTA MONYET with Hudee! hahhah.. korang2 yang tak faham tu, tak payah fahamkan lah.. saya malas nak elaborate.
anyway, i really had a GREAT time.. tiring, but it's definitely worth every single drop of sweat that comes out of my pores. Kudos to Halimah and Zul (and the other camp commitee) for a job well done!
to the team, let us persevere on and train hard aite! "The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." - Joe Paterno

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Setiap kali kulihat gambar ini, hati berhenti berdenyut buat seketika. Nadi berhenti berdetik, minda berhenti berfikir.. dan airmata deras mengalir. Sayu dan luka di hati masih terasa hingga ke saat ini..
Atuk, Yana amat merindui Atuk. Yana tidak pernah lupa mengingati Atuk setiap kali Yana berdoa. Semoga Atuk sentiasa bahagia di bawah lindungan Yang Esa. Semoga Atuk mendapat limpah rahmat Yang Kuasa. Semoga Allah meletakkan Atuk tinggi di sisi Nya..
Amin amin ya robbal a'lamiin.. Al-Fatihah.
Not being able to say goodbye for the last time to the person you love so dearly hurts so bad. Even till today. I miss you Grandpa. *sobs*
Monday, May 14, 2007
We need VOLUNTEERS for the upcoming
NUS Tertiary Silat Championships 2007
Details of event:
2,3rd June 2007 (Sat, Sun)
9,10th June 2007 (Sat, Sun)
NUS multi purpose sports hall.
10a.m to 9p.m.
*Fret not about the long hours, we'll be having shifts.
Jobscopes available:
- Ushers
- Liaison Officers
- Weight checkers
- Time keepers
Perks of being a volunteer:
1) CCA points (for NUS students)
2) Learn more about Silat
3) Free limited edition NUS Tertiary Silat Championships 2007 t-shirts (at least 2 days)
4) Food provided
5) Get to catch all the HOT guys/gals from the different institutions LIVE in action! including ME! hahah..
Interested? Please email your particulars:
1) name
2) matric no. (for NUS students)
3) contact no.
4) email
5) days and time of availability
6) t-shirt size
to emailrashidah@hotmail.com
or simply send them to 91556704.
For more info about the event, click [ here ]
Help spread the words around! The more people we get, the more FUN it will be!
** closing date: 18th May 2007.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Empat perkara menguatkan badan:
1. Makan daging
2. Memakai haruman
3. Kerap mandi
4. Berpakaian dari kapas
Empat perkara melemahkan badan:
1. Banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. Selalu cemas
3. Banyak minum air ketika makan
4. Banyak makan bahan yang masam
Empat perkara menajamkan Mata:
1. Duduk mengadap kiblat
2. Bercelak sebelum tidur
3. Memandang yang hijau
4. Berpakaian bersih
Empat perkara merosakan Mata:
1. Memandang najis
2. Melihat orang dibunuh
3. Melihat kemaluan
4. Membelakangi kiblat
Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran:
1. Tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. Rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. Bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. Bergaul dengan para ulama
Empat cara tidur:
Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit Dan bumi.
Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.
Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan.
Menelungkup / tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.
~ Innasolatatanha anil fahsyaar iwal munkar - Sesungguhnya solat itu dapat mencegah kita dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan mungkar. ~
Empat perkara menguatkan badan:
1. Makan daging
2. Memakai haruman
3. Kerap mandi
4. Berpakaian dari kapas
Empat perkara melemahkan badan:
1. Banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. Selalu cemas
3. Banyak minum air ketika makan
4. Banyak makan bahan yang masam
Empat perkara menajamkan Mata:
1. Duduk mengadap kiblat
2. Bercelak sebelum tidur
3. Memandang yang hijau
4. Berpakaian bersih
Empat perkara merosakan Mata:
1. Memandang najis
2. Melihat orang dibunuh
3. Melihat kemaluan
4. Membelakangi kiblat
Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran:
1. Tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. Rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. Bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. Bergaul dengan para ulama
Empat cara tidur:
Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit Dan bumi.
Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.
Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan.
Menelungkup / tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.
~ Innasolatatanha anil fahsyaar iwal munkar - Sesungguhnya solat itu dapat mencegah kita dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan mungkar. ~
Thursday, May 10, 2007
ok i need a moment to vent out my anger here.
To S*h**mi: can you take my freaking picture off your friendster profile!?? i don't see the need for you to put my pic there with the caption "Dikecewakan lagi.." what the??! it has been almost 4 months since i last contacted you and i can't believe you're still mad at me cos i REJECTED you. be an adult for goodness sake. we barely know each other for a WEEK and you were already telling me that you love me sooo much and stuff..don't make me puke ok! tell me, were you THAT desperate?? were you attracted to my appearance(tapi muka aku mcm tapai basi pun kau suka)? or was it the fact that i was in NUS? i don't believe that you were in "love" with me for the right reasons dude.
you don't even know me.
besides, i'd just broken up with my bf whom i've known for a lifetime and whom i'm still madly in love with till now. so how do you expect me to just get over him and fall head over heels for you within a week!!? that's ridiculous!!
i think it's time for you to GROW UP dude. you're 26 now, but you're still acting like a 6 year old.
lastly, thank you for pissing me off. if my anger could kill, you'd be dead by now.
To S*h**mi: can you take my freaking picture off your friendster profile!?? i don't see the need for you to put my pic there with the caption "Dikecewakan lagi.." what the??! it has been almost 4 months since i last contacted you and i can't believe you're still mad at me cos i REJECTED you. be an adult for goodness sake. we barely know each other for a WEEK and you were already telling me that you love me sooo much and stuff..don't make me puke ok! tell me, were you THAT desperate?? were you attracted to my appearance(tapi muka aku mcm tapai basi pun kau suka)? or was it the fact that i was in NUS? i don't believe that you were in "love" with me for the right reasons dude.
you don't even know me.
besides, i'd just broken up with my bf whom i've known for a lifetime and whom i'm still madly in love with till now. so how do you expect me to just get over him and fall head over heels for you within a week!!? that's ridiculous!!
i think it's time for you to GROW UP dude. you're 26 now, but you're still acting like a 6 year old.
lastly, thank you for pissing me off. if my anger could kill, you'd be dead by now.
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