training camp RAWKZ.. the 7km run from NUS to Bukit Batok was the most strenuous event of the 3 days.. i've never ran THAT far before in my life! sedangkan 2.4km je dah boleh terkenchit, apetah lagi 7km! hahah.. cramp satu badan beb. =S
playing Charades with the team was hilariously comical! especially when Sayed did the mortal combat thingy and Aidil's Mmm'bop.. haha.. pecah2 perut seh.. oh yah, not forgetting CINTA MONYET with Hudee! hahhah.. korang2 yang tak faham tu, tak payah fahamkan lah.. saya malas nak elaborate.
anyway, i really had a GREAT time.. tiring, but it's definitely worth every single drop of sweat that comes out of my pores. Kudos to Halimah and Zul (and the other camp commitee) for a job well done!
to the team, let us persevere on and train hard aite! "The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." - Joe Paterno