for the past two days everything went well as planned.. alhamdulillah.. for the tanding team, 15 wins out of 21.. not bad ah! congrats to those who made it tru the next round.. to those who didnt, don't give up ok.. you peeps put up a really good fight.. there are many more competitions coming up.. so keep the fire burning aite people!
now about my match yesterday.. alamak dey.. even though i won, it was one of my shittiest fight ah.. really disappointed at myself.. berlaga-laga macam kerbau.. only managed to buck-up at round 3.. made her fall 2 times(only).. dah lah tu, kene tembak 2 kali seh! *sigh* memalukan.. hmmm.. i better keep my weight in-check this week.. the 7 rounds around the stadium on the morning of my fight really wore me out.. i managed to lost 2kg after the run, but i was tremendously exhausted and dehydrated after that.. i refrained myself from eating the whole day and only sipped small amounts of coke to keep me awake till my match which was at 4.45pm.. i tried not to show abg jas(my coach) that i was "panchit"-ing.. but from my sikap pasang, i think he could tell. hahaha.. sooooo to the team, please maintain your weight k people! especially Ahmad! you're one of our gold medalist hopefuls.. please jaga weight tu betul-betul!
congrats to my bro Hakkim for winning the GOLD medal in the Regu team category and for his superb fight yesterday.. even with a stitched-up lip(sustained during his previous match), he fought really well and of course, WON! i'm so proud of you dear bro!! akak doa punya doa agar bibir tu tak kene pape.. kecut isi perut aku sume tau! haha.. you're already in the semis now.. pray that i'll make it tru too k!

Doc saiful examining his lips..

and the stiching begins.. with my mom(not seen in pic) and dad looking on.. and that's Hadi's hand(right) videoing the whole procedure..

anita serawak nyer bibir pun kalah! hahaha..
and to my ikan stongkol, thank you for coming down to support me dear.. it means alot.. you're the motivation that i need.. i love you and thank you once again. =)