Passing on knowledge to my 10 year-old couz.. Aidil Iskandar..

i HATE maths! *eek*

Jangan main2 time blajar! and Perut tu kasi masuk sikit bleh tak!

the face he always makes when he doesnt understand..

i love it when my students asks questions.. it shows that their minds are active and they sincerely wanna learn.. so the more questions..the BETTER!


Aidil's sister.. my 13 year old couz..

she hates taking picture.. haha..

opss.. i've exceeded the time by 14 mins.. tuition's supposed to end at 10pm..

Aidil caught me termenung jauh.. *fikirkan siape tu!*

waiting for my ride.. and thinking of.. NO ONE. hahaha..