i was busy doing some research for my NM2101 essay when i suddenly realized that i've not submitted one of my assignments which was due at 12:00 PM today. i immediately looked at the computer clock and guess what?! the time was 11:58 AM!! wah lau!! that means i have less than 2 MINUTES to:
- Log in to the system
- Navigate through the links and look for the submission folder for "Assignment04".
- Press the BROWSE button.
- Locate my "U057230JAssigmnent04.doc" somewhere in my hard disk.
- Press the UPLOAD button.
- and Wait for the system to successfully upload my assignment.
almost instantly, i felt a sudden upsurge of pressure to my head.. followed by this burning sensation at the back of my neck.. my heart was pounding so hard and my hands literally trembled as i typed in my username and password.. haha.. terrible lah.. i've never felt such sense of extreme "kelam kabut-ness" before in my life man.. heez. seram.
so... did i manage to upload my assignment before the folder closes?
YEAP!! with 13 secs to spare.. *Phheeww* Alhamdulillah.. sujud syukur jap lagi.
and the final weightage of this assignment? 6 marks.
all THAT for 6 marks eh. hey it's the little things in life that matters. =)
ok you've probably just wasted about 1.5 minutes of your life reading this crap. haha..
oh well.. i'm off to school now. adios people.