he wrote this : "i notice u were there rite yday? at the weighing place"
i replied: "yeah..i was helping out at the weigh in table.."
and the conversation went on.. yada yada yada..
and then he wrote this: "ahhh.. another thing.. i think i saw u right infront of me when i was competing against the belgium guy"
i replied: "hahha... yeah i was at the pagar kuning.."
conversation resumes.. yada yada yada.. the end.
it was only AFTER the conversation ended that i realised something.. he actually saw me amidst all the many spectators that were standing at the pagar kuning (barrier).. and we were at quite a distance from the gelanggang!

this is a pic i took during that fight.. see how far i was standing!
recalling back that day.. actually at first, i thought we did make direct eye contact after he jatuhkan that belgium guy.. cos rite after he got up, he was facing in my direction and he just stared at me for a few seconds - well, at least i THOUGHT he was. cos at that time, i didn't wanna jump to any conclusion and be so *prasan*. i kept telling myself, like AS IF he'll notice me with all the people standing in between us.. so yeah i didnt think much about it. tapi sekarang, jangkaan saya betul sebenarnya! he just told me that he saw me. which means.. he recognises me among the other minah2 tudung and the makcik2 that was standing there with me?! he was indeed looking at me!? oh my goodness.. *shocked*
haiz. tapi tak mungkin lah.. impossible.. mungkin dier nampak salah orang kot. as much as i want to believe that it's true.. i cant. cos afterall, dier seorang juara yang disegani ramai.. sedangkan saya ni insan biasa yang tak punya apa2. anyway, even if he did look at me.. it would probably mean NOTHING rite.. hahah.. astarghfirullah. ok snap out of it diana!! *slaps face* hmmm... before i continue to *shiok sendiri* even more, i think it's better that i log off now.
till then, take care everyone. *smiles*