here are some of the highlights of his match..

at the blue corner.. getting ready for his fight..

sikap pasang.. *melts*

engage.. *focus giler*

*poom!* his powerful tonjang..

executing one of his MANY dead-accurate guntingan(s).. kaki mamat tu rase macam nak terputus agaknyer..

and then.. his signature bantingan! *fuh power!* the mamat should be seeing stars by now..

him.. patiently waiting for the mamat to hilangkan the "bintang-bintang" yang sedang berpusing di atas kepalanya.
after 3 rounds..
jeng jeng jeng..

HE WON 5-0!!!!!!!! HOORAYYYYYY!!!!!! Syukur Alhamdulillah.. *smiles*
if only i had the courage to say something or ANYTHING to him when he's right in front of me. Oh well.. heheh..
Congratulations to the s'pore team! You peeps have certainly made us proud!!