waiting for the big boss to arrive..

no comment..

i love the kids!!! they're so cute!!

sing along session..

so happy sia..

ok da bis.. it's back to the office people!

Chinese new year??

******End of Part 1********
Now the second "celebration" was yesterday itself @ the Padang.. with an old fren (yeah you're OLD, Mirza. jgn step muda!) and my couz, Izzati..

We're finally here.. this is the place where all those who did not get the platform tickets gather.. *pathetic* hahah..

Mirza.. ex primary and madrasah sch mate..

Izzati.. my couz..

Blow mirza blow! hahah..

we laughed our ass off bcos of this thing.. *you know, i know! hahaha!*

the crowd..

look at the sky..

and then.. it started to pour.. *shoot!*

lil' red riding hood..

and the big bad wolf. hahah!!

nite time..

the only decent pic of the fireworks that i managed to capture with my hp..

True frens light up your life! =)

on the way home..

kenape adik? tercekik? hahaha..
till we meet again OLD fren.. thanks for the ride! =)
******The End********
~ i've never felt this patriotic before sia.. hahah.. ~