Yesterday's Johor trip with Mir (Mr. Big Bad wolf) was fun.. it was the the first time that i went somewhere outside singapore without my parents and not for a sch function.. pathetic rite? haha.. so being the "katak bawah tempurung" that i am, i didnt even know what Autopass was and i thought JUSCO was a university name cos it's located at Taman Universiti.. *slaps forehead* jakun betul! haha.. but i really feel at home in m'sia lah.. y?? cos everything's in bahasa melayu! im thinking of migrating there once i retire.. tengoklah mcm mana.. =) overall, the trip was superb! so the next one pegi mana Mir? Thai? Indon? hahah.. macam paham je.. =P
anyway, i can't believe my mom and auntie are trying to matchmake me with some 30 year old guy! do i look that desperate?? HAH, WAT DID YOU SAY! YES??! Bloody hell! hmm.. tapikan, if the 30 year old guy is as _______ *cant think of an appropriate adjective* as the Kadi in my prev post, why not! hahaha..
oklah i gtg now.. till next time.. ciao!